The Highland Divas at The New York Irish CenterMarla Margaret and GeorgiaOct 3, 2015The Highland Divas | NEWS META DATA DATA October 3rd 2015StartFragment We had such a fantastic time singing last night at the #NYIrishCenter … we were given such a warm welcome on a wet and windy night!EndFragment12122724_844182649013070_2538672273547873668_n_edited12122724_844182649013070_2538672273547873668_n
The Highland Divas | NEWS META DATA DATA October 3rd 2015StartFragment We had such a fantastic time singing last night at the #NYIrishCenter … we were given such a warm welcome on a wet and windy night!EndFragment12122724_844182649013070_2538672273547873668_n_edited12122724_844182649013070_2538672273547873668_n